Monday, December 5, 2011

My first real post ,my first bizarre story, which will be only the first of many adventures to follow!

Today I thought I finally had something interesting and bizarre to add to my blog that I wanted to share!  My husband left, on another business trip, but he did bring the fake Christmas tree down from the shed.  He shook it out and looked for critters, but found none, only a mousy smell!  Which he preceded to deodorize for hours!  That was yesterday.  Today I took down the boxes of trimming from the before mentioned shed and put on a Christmas movie, I hope you know there are 4 different channels playing them so make sure you have your remote ready to flip through them!  Such wonderful memories were inside these boxes, but first the preloaded lightes on this tree were not lighting.?  AHA!  I found the culprit, frayed wires and then I found it or it exposed itself to me, who cares, it was there, a petrified mouse!!      AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
I ran outside to look at the calm water of my lake that I live on and watched an otter watch me!  He's been here all week doing some nefarious deed as one has in the past.  Another story for latter.  As I went back in, a stink bug awaited me and then another, the wild life all out to get me!
When I came back, I deposed of the critter in the wood stove, more mousy smell, and decorated, I must say a gorgeous tree.  I then felt the need to create  more so I went in to my studio, cleaned it up with my trusty, favorite tool, the 18" screwdriver, ask me about this sometime.  I worked on a Round Robin, again ask, and then took pictures of the Rudolphe I bought at Homegoods!  Time to wine down.

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