Thursday, September 3, 2015

Talking to a non quilter Association, what to say?

So, on September 15, 2015, at 7:00 PM, I will talking to the Leominster Art Association,  mostly painters and photographers, awesome ones, and then they hire me, a quilter and a artist.  Many of us do not equate quilter= artist but we truly are.  We take fabric and create masterpieces, works of art, comfort quilts, happy grand children smiles, stash reducing space, and group activity quilts that show we are united in our art.
We use the basic logic, form, color, line, perceptive etc although most of us don't realize that is what we are doing!
It is still scary, for a seasoned speaker, to go out of her comfort area, well I am on the fringes of that already!, but it would be nice to see familiar faces out there.
New quilts, many jackets, pranced around, supporting quilts and of course, selvedge art will be presented.
Still scared but so looking forward.


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