
Chenille Bag Class
Collaged  Bag & Quilt Class and Collaged Chenille jacket
Collaged  Class, on a vest
Chenille Bag class

Hack and Sew Class
Collaged Class, under Tulle
Collaged Class, under Tulle
Collaged  / Memory Quilt Class
Collaged / Memory Class, Pillow for ring bearer
Hack and Sew Quilt Class
Chenille Bag:
Full day class  to design, layer, stitch and cut 5 layers of fabric to finish a simple
, unlined chenille bag.  Fun way to break outside your box!

Sweatshirt Jacket:

All day class  to embellish a  purchased sweatshirt jacket.   Learn to collage fabric, yarn, buttons using different stitches on your machine.  Make a simple garment and create without any rules!

Collaged Quilt or Bag:

Gather fabrics, souvenirs or whatever interests you and make a free spirited collaged quilt, that will make you smile and remember! 

Find fabrics that fit a theme or a memory.  We will then layer a backing, batting and background fabric and build up layers with the fussy cut images. 
Example, if you choose a jungle theme, bring fabrics with animals, trees, water, sky or whatever jungle means to you.  Bring enough assorted fabrics and images that will fill a 12" by 16" background. 
We will then layer tulle on top of the entire piece, pin through the layers to hold the pieces together inside and stitch entire piece.

Hack and Sew:

No rules sewing for full and 1/2 day class.  No plan, no precise piecing, no preplanned design just hack and sew the fabric together.  Fun class to learn how the fabric can guide you instead of a pattern.