I like to write and create but lately all I seem to do is organize, not a regular item on my dance card, yet, for some reason I need to finally do some of the things I put off.
I joined the Material Girls Quilt Guild in 2002 and proceeded to do every Strip Robin, Challenge, Friendship blocks, Log Cabin Swap, make a portrait of yourself, work on issues, and petals for years. Some I have actually finished! Some are still UFO's but I made of binder of all the project sheets and or patterns and then spent 3 days and 3 packages of ink to print the pictures. I actually found the sheets for most and the quilts or UFO's for them too!
1st quilt, hand appliquéd and quilted 2003, never again....
Next 3 petal quilts although I have made 5!
Assorted strip and round robins, almost all of them competed but 1!
Oops! 2 more were completed but not on this blog.
Assorted Friendship blocks, BOM, Challenges, special events quilts too.
The only UFO's left are the Friendships blocks of my face and hands! I know I like to have images of myself, like a Egyptain Kings!
The one Strip Robin left is a 5 panel one that is simple to finish, why haven't I done that?
I also have Crazy Quilt swap blocks from 3 years that will go together with some antique ones I bought at an auction.
I have a set of blocks from another Friendship block that look like stain glass windows and are paper pieced. I thought I would make every block in the book to make a large quilt but I am rethinking that!
I started a King size quilt for son and daughter in law that needs to get done sooner than most of the rest of these thing but I also found 4 quilts all sandwiched and ready to quilt, maybe those should just get done. What do you think?
You will have to figure out which picture goes with which type of project!
I thought my UFO's would have been more but I guess I do finish most things.
I did create 4 costumes for my grand children! and go pumpkin picking and graduated from PT after my 2 nd knee replacement and I am ready to go!

Just some eye candy to view!

You are the winner! Funniest and Accomplished. Glad to have you back and to see so much you have made! Thanks for sharing this rich trove! You are a treasure.
and CREATIVE, original and generous in capital letters!
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