A very busy week, a very busy life, a very busy family and friends! You know, it is hard to be, really be, a family member, especially ours. We love each other, help each other and the most important thing a family is and does, is
Who gets a quilt cake, awesome quilt cake at their birthday! ME!
Next are my many hairdos and may party!

Now to the Quilters Connection Quilt Show! I hope some of you have the opportunity to come to our art quilt show as it is awesome! I designed the layout and the design of the show so if you hate it or have issues let me know. If you loved it let me know! It takes a lot of work to put on a quilt show and my part took at least 40 hours of time to determine the amount of quilt racks we need, as this costs your guild money, and also, in this facility, of multiple floors, where is it going and how it all looks in the end. We had 50 extra quilts and 2 less rooms and I think it looks great! Biased of course! Think of all the work the Quilt show Chair did, publicity which is crucial and the quilters themselves, up against a deadline to finish their quilts! My family comes to all my events and I am so glad my grandchildren look forward to the picture puzzles, given at this quilt show, to help them look for items in our quilts that are listed. If quilters want parents with children to come, all should give them a fun activity to do and as a docent in a museum, It helps them look at the pieces and helps all to really see them!
I have 1 quilt and 2 garments, already tagged in a previous Blog. I have not sewn much since my knee surgery as this takes more than 3 months to have all back to sewing mode but I did make a Selvedge bunny that may look like something else, so I billed it as a Selvedge Animal for a charity auction to raise funds for numerous textile non profits. You know, we are all luck we have museums, and event like quilt shows, local quilts shops, local markets and store and many events offered in your community but if you do not support them, attend then they will disappear and you will miss them! They need your support to continue as do charities but giving to your community to keep it vibrant is everything!

Like I said a busy week! I must say I did hit the wall after the 60th party, revived by the QC Quilt show and will crash again and then have the Fitchburg Art Museum Docent end of the year party, which every time I host it, it rains and is very cold, in June. No one has ever seen my awesome view!
Quilters husbands are an amazing group and mine is the Macgyver of all! He can plan a quilt show, hang it and take it down! Now, all is not perfect as a lot of negative words can and are directed but he does it again and again and now tells me never again! Boo whoo, we will work on that!
We will work on a lot of thing especially getting back to sewing and stuff. Life is not worth value unless you push yourself to do it all, sometimes at your expense, but it is so worth it in the end! I now I live that way and am so blessed!
Love Jessica
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