Elise and her Starburst which I took from her to be in a show after I saw her and her sister Jocelyn and jumping on! I will give it to after! |
very Provocative ""Still" "Life"" show at the Fitchburg Art Museum current show which I am a Docent!! until January! Awesome! |
Details of a visit to CambridgeWear in Acton, a ready made awesome, clothing store! |
So, I already admitted I am bad at updating Blog but also a procrastinator so..... I have been been making progress on that. I have finished quilt and 2 garments for a "A Quilters Gathering" in Manchester, NH October 31 through November 3, 2013, except sewing on labels and sleeve. Come and find me as I will be the one dressed funny! Ha! You must come and see my hats! I have finished garment,"Opposites Attract", garment for the Concord Piecemakers Quilt Guild at St Matthews church in Acton, Ma, October, 25 and 26, 2013, except for sewing on the labels, due for next weeks show, Oct, 25 and 26! I also have another garment and a couple quilts, one of which is Elise's Starburst" which I believe is my best and most complicated quilt of Karen Stones. I bought the fabric for my 3 girl grandchildren Halloween costumes but not made them and can't figure out what to do for my boy grand child, Buddy's, Rock Star costume, even though I am a child of the 70's!
Ahead, but not done yet..... I still would like to make a dress underneath my Selvedge Queen costume for my "A Quilters Gathering" opening night Gala event as their Fashion Show Coordinator. Also PJ's as their Saturday night speaker! I want to make wings for my "be a Queen, Bee Queen" garment, I need to attend other quilt guild Quilt Shows this weekend, as we should support all guilds in these economic times. Cut the Bull, we need to be inspired! by others always! Sew labels and sleeve and deliver to "A Quilters Gathering" and drink, sleep, read and be merry! Maybe.....
I have done a "Slevedge Queen" speaker event at at Berkshire Quilter's Guild in Great Barrington, MA. and stayed overnight, for the first time, at a members house and it was the greatest! We talked, I drank, we went to the Pumpkin Patch Quilt store in Lee, Ma for a morning class and it was so rewarding to see and hear that all quilt guilds, including the 3, I belong to, have the same issues. Volunteer, I can't stress that enough. I am a docent at the Fitchburg Art Museum and I always raise my hand to volunteer to say "YES" as you get to control what and when and where you do volunteer. Otherwise, some of us know we will will say yes, to something, and end up doing we truly don't want to do. Find ways to make money as a; guilds need money to pay expenses, such as rent, speakers, a must, maintenance, save for quilt show expenses, and other issues like 1 day insurance issues. Imagine you spend X amount of dollars to put on a quilt show and a mini micro burst comes through your community. It happened to our guild on the last day of the show, thank the heavens, and people could not get to it. Imagine an actual tornado comes through and your guild quilt show is at the same time. No one would be able to get to it. It happened at another guild. You spend the money, yet no one comes, through no fault of their own, or your advertising. All guilds should have a nest egg of at least 1 full year of total expenses and that is why we pay dues and donate to our guilds. REMEMBER, they are your guilds and WHAT would we without them!!!!!!
Come and visit
Me, of course! |
I have the cutest and best grand children, ever! |
My car, a large trunk show! |
setting up |
me, my alter self? |
More stuff in trunk show |
My garments, not wearable!
stuff a friend Ann and I made for Concord Peicemakers Quilt guild raffle basket! Aprons, table runners, napkins, etc |
New exhibit at the Fitchburg Art Musem and my "Still"" Life"" |
Help me celebrate my 40th Anniversary this October 20, 2013. It is a milestone for anyone who has been married this long and appreciates it! It takes hard work, commitment and love to get here and also understanding that everyday will not be easy!